eBay: variation imports now do fallback checks to existing ebayid guid.
eBay: introduce support for import and updating of ebayvideo.
Turn14: introduce Shipment Cost Import integration for setting shipcost from associated orders shiptracking.
Finale Inventory: introduce integration for inventory updates.
Core: fix issue with deduplication requests preventing duplicate updates for over an hour.
BigCommerce: fix issue that forced setting bigcommercesku as guid.
Automations: fix issue with update eBay auto renew listings not running.
December 13th & 20th, 2024
Version: v3.324
Automation Engine: introduce vendor_actions.roundNearest to specially round a price to a specific pricing format from calculations. For example, always round to x.95.
Amazon: no longer send update amznstatus from successful inventory updates if the value has not changed.
eBay: remove legacy order calculation of Total using MultiLegShippingDetails.TotalShippingCost details.
Premier Performance: introduce support for premiermap MAP Price.
Easyship: introduce integrations for orders export and ship tracking import.
Automation Engine: fix issue with job failures due to empty objects.
Amazon: fix issue with race condition not importing order itemfees.
Amazon: fix issue with edge case sending too many images.
Facebook: fix issue with failing catalog requests.
Shopify: fix issue with import of variation products.
Parts Unlimited: fix issue with drop shipping integration breaking with leading zeros when using CC as payment.
November 29th & December 6th, 2024
Version: v3.323
Amazon: fulfillment support multiple tracking numbers delimited by commas.
Amazon: orders import and update logging modified to set operation as syncOrders for new orders and syncOrdersUpdate with action edit for updated orders.
Product Editor UI: improve support for using powersports fitment selector without enabling an eBay integration by leveraging fitmenttype.
Bulk: fix issue with variation processing concurrency.
eBay: fix issue with error Inconsistent shipping parameters.
eBay: fix issue with restocking cancelled orders that have no linked product.
eBay: fix issue edge case issue with skip false not being respected with saved skip values in place.
Amazon: fix issue edge case issue with skip false not being respected with saved skip values in place.
Western Power Sports: fix issue with drop shipping first and last name no spaces.
November 15th & 22nd, 2024
Version: v3.322
Logs UI: introduce support for searching fields with an empty value.
Automation Engine: introduce parameters.date_timezone setting this key to a valid timezone will convert the parameter value to a date/time in the set timezone.
Enginetech: migrate integration to new SFTP at files.enginetech.com.
Parts Unlimited: introduce drop shipping support for saved CC.
Enginetech: introduce ship tracking import and update drop shipping integrations.
eBay: upload and make available raw import data and reference in logs via identifier: ebay-import in the response.raw field and downloadable by copying that value and going to https://app.suredone.com/bulk?do=imports&download=response.raw.value.
Facebook: upgrade to GraphQL version v21.0.
Automation Engine: reduce batch size limit from 50k to 10k.
Bulk: performance enhancements and improvements.
Usage Limits: no longer count invalid products towards limits by setting action skip.
Imports UI: ux enhancements and improvements.
Admin: fix issue with suspended users receiving email notifications.
Shopify: fix issue with images not sending on add requests.
Amazon: fix issue with images listing when media1 is empty.
Facebook: fix issue with authorization not completing.
Walmart: fix issue with walmartproductid not saving via the walmart-status job.
Fitment SureFit: fix issue with detaching fitmenttype UNIVERSAL not working.
November 1st & 8th, 2024
Version: v3.321
BigCommerce: increase the limit for downloading shared option ids in the settings.
Orders: eBay tracking notification emails now set From address to noreply AT suredone.com with Reply-To address set to the business or account email address.
Storefront: orders, requests and account emails From address set to noreply AT suredone.com with Reply-To address set to the business or account email address.
Automation Engine: email export integrations that do not specify a sender_address will now default the From address to noreply AT suredone.com and set a Reply-To address to the business or account email address.
Automation Engine: introduce parameters.required attribute to allow values to be empty, defaults to true.
X-Cart: introduce integrations for catalog import, listing, inventory and pricing export and orders import.
SureFit Fitment: introduce tag attributes for data-initial-filters and data-engaged-title.
Product List UI: Restrict image size height to 200px.
Automation Engine: fixed issue with missing export of fitment notes.
Bulk: fix issue with large product variations slowing system down.
BigCommerce: fix issue with creating and managing variations with how option_set_id are pushed.
October 18th & 25th, 2024
Version: v3.320
Automation Engine: create bulk files with from batch jobs with -batch- in job name.
Automation Engine: update field_format functions to be all camel case ie trimRight trimLeft and is backwards compatible.
Automation Engine: introduce limit_files config which limits the amount of files processed from a server which are downloaded via the regex config.
Walmart: introduce fulfillment support using specific carrier methods and improve matching to standard service values.
Storefront: introduce Authorize.Net setting for authorizenet_public_client_key.
Parts Unlimited: introduce Cost Import integration.
Automation Engine: fix issue with template being ignored with HTTP requests relying on the extract config.
Turn14: fix issue with drop shipping not sending multiple shipments when not using preferredaccess.
Channels: fix issue with default skip settings not saving when using a bulk or API global skip override.
October 4th & 11th, 2024
Version: v3.319
SureDone versions now span 2 weeks.
Shopify: upgrade to API version 2024-01 which includes the start of migration from shopifyimageids to shopifymediaids.
Shopify: introduce support for shopifymediareset.
Fitment SureFit: introduce support for WPS vehicle Ids via wpsvehicleids.
Western Power Sports (WPS): introduce Fitment Import integration.
PartsUnlimited: introduce Inventory Update API integration to replace the Inventory Update integration.
Automations: introduced Orders Mark Shipped integration to clear older orders from the awaiting shipments view.
Shopify: introduce display/return of API errors on image upload failures.
Amazon Reports UI: introduce setting to enable/disable report generation.
Amazon: improve logging of status queued to show correct operation and data enqueued.
Amazon: listing report job now sets amznislisted 0 for listings not on the all listings report.
Shopify/BigCommerce: fix issue with throttled updates not being sent when fields changes across products are exactly the same.
Miva: fix various issues with products/variations not updating.
Fitment SureFit: fix issue with storefront search results not showing all results correctly.
eBay: fix issue with ebayskip logs not showing correctly sent value.
Amazon: fix issue with amznskip logs not showing correctly sent value.
Amazon: fix issue with unsetting amznislisted with action end.
BigCommerce: remove order_source www restriction when setting the Default Channel to only import orders with empty or matching channel_id.
September 27th, 2024
Version: v3.318
BigCommerce: introduce support for description bigcommerce-product.htm via advanced setting.
Automations: introduce setting for choosing eBay order number formats in ShipStation Order ID Import and ShipStation Order Shipment Import API integrations.
Magento2: fix issue with categories not being removed from the storefront.
September 20th, 2024
Version: v3.317
Amazon: introduce orders import process redundancy.
Shopify: introduce internal global throttle support to reduce 429 errors.
Automation Engine: improve retry logic for FTPS downloads.
Automation Engine: introduce config for max_concurrency to limit the number of parallel runs across the infrastructure for less scalable integration connections.
Turn14: drop ship update to combine multiple line items with duplicate turn14id into one request, as in the case with potentially kit exploded orders.
Turn14: introduce integration for Fitment Import.
Meyer Distributing: Cost Import support meyeroversize meyeraddtlhandling.
Magento2: fix issue with description price etc attributes not sending on update.
Storefront: fix issue with checkout Authorize.net.
September 13th, 2024
Version: v3.316
Walmart: ship tracking process shipservice LTL as methodCode FREIGHT.
Google: send boolean true false for fields identifierExists adult isBundle.
Channel Errors UI: rephrase X days ago.
Amazon: fix issues with imported orders delayed or missing.
eBay: fix issue with error 21920416 by omitting Title Description ItemSpecifics Pictures when returned in the error message.
Shopify: fix issue with incorrect stock value on variants when creating a new listing.
Reports: fix issue with Unsold SKUs returning sold items within specified date range.
Bulk Exports: fixed issue with saved order exports not saving Line Item option.
Channels: fix issue with skipupdate not working for channel fields such as shopifyprice.
September 6th, 2024
Version: v3.315
BigCommerce: when setting the Default Channel only import orders with empty or matching channel_id with order_source www.
Fitment SureFit: introduce support for ACES vehicle Ids via acesvehicleids.
Automation Engine: introduce connection.throttle support to handle multi threaded retries against APIs with conservative limits.
Automation Engine: improve HTTP Retry-Time handling.
Automation Engine: in using vendor_actions.combine contains a single array field, try imploding based on delimiter.
Fitment SureFit: introduce support for action end channel.skip values.
Automations Drop Shipping: update drop shipping shippingservice mapping to set UPS 2nd Day from shippingservice: ShippingMethodExpress for Turn14, Motorstate, Tucker, WPS, Premier Performance and Meyer Distributing. Set FedEx Express services for Automatic Distributors, Keystone and NTP.
Automations: update eBay auto renew and expire listings integrations to run 3 hours apart.
Turn14: fix issue with shipping service mapping failing when requested service is not available and will now fallback to default shipping selection.
Automations UI: fix issue with errors not returning descriptive messages.
August 16th, 2024
Version: v3.312
SkuVault: order export omit archived orders.
Automations UI: introduce support for searching by installed id.
Channels UI: introduce support for deleting channel integrations.
Automation Engine: introduce fitment_export_catepid to support exporting fitment from Catalog EPIDs.
Fitment Export Automation: include exporting of fitment via Catalog EPID.
DX1: Inventory Update compare ignore updates where datesold is later than DX1 DateUpdated.
Automations: introduce configurable identifier and settings for product creation and updates for the following Catalog Import integrations: Automatic Distributors, Keystone, Motorstate, Torqued Distribution, Turn14, WPS, Horizon Hobby, Brock Supply, V-Twin and Holley.
Bulk Orders: fix issue with updates to email not saving.
Miva: fix issue with default processing of longdescription for mivadescription.
August 9th, 2024
Version: v3.311
Amazon: imports now include data for amznstatus.
Amazon: update amznstatus changes from periodic listing reports job.
Amazon: no longer set lowercase amznstatus, will now set one of Active, Incomplete, Inactive, Out of Stock, Suppressed, Incomplete.
Amazon: no more sending FulfillmentLatency with FBA showing enabled within the product.
Amazon: introduce setting sync_fba_status to update amznfba.status changes from periodic listing reports job.
Channels: improve channel.skip processing.
Product Editor: remove channel skips Send Once label, no change to underlying functionality.
Walmart WFS: import orders with shippingstatus COMPLETE.
Shopify: set status ARCHIVED from action end requests.
Orders: introduce support for shipsku matching to order.items.sku via shipskufield and shipskuvalue where shipskufield may be a product field existing in order.items.itemdetails.product.{shipskufield} and shipskuvalue matching to that product field value. Works with inserting shipments into existing orders.
Fitment SureFit: support action end to remove data from fitment channels.
Turn14: fix issue with drop shipping shippingservice mapping not mapping to requested shipping services.
WPS: Catalog import now includes mapping for manufacturerpartnumber/mpn from supplier_product_id.
Klaviyo: introduce integrations for Orders Create/Update Profiles and Events for Placed Order and Fulfilled Order.
BigCommerce: fix issue with ship tracking failures due to BigCommerce API failures.
Channels API: fix issue with results including integrations that are not installed.
August 2nd, 2024
Version: v3.310
Amazon: introduce setting Allow FulfillmentLatency of 0 Days to enable sending FulfillmentLatency 0.
Bulk Fitment: append fitmenttype MML for converted powersports fitment files.
Channel Imports: improve logging for retry including Shopify request job ids.
Channels API: introduce support to delete main channel integration if there are no existing channel instances. Supported for all channels except eBay.
eBay: fix issue with UI category search in sending default siteId for getCategorySuggestions.
Shopify: fix issue with logs showing result failure for meta fields that are not updated via action relist.
Channels: fix issue with creation of Walmart, BigCommerce, Shopify, Google, Facebook/Instagram, Magento2 and Miva integrations setting default sku length at 50 characters. You may submit a support ticket to update your existing channel integrations to support a length of 100 characters.
July 26th, 2024
Version: v3.309
eBay: remove static restricted product list for CARB Approve Tuner List products.
Channels Field Mapping UI: introduce red x to unset mapping values.
BigCommerce: add connection logs.request and logs.response for orders ship tracking.
Shopify: settings interface introduce Download Collections function to export store collections and IDs to a CSV file.
Product Editor UI: introduce support for using fitment selector without enabling an eBay integration.
Automations: update Ship Service Mapping to be channel agnostic and operate by checking shippingservice. Affected drop shipping integrations for: Automatic Distributors, Keystone, Meyer, Motorstate, NTP, PartsUnlimited, Premier Performance, Tucker, Turn14 and WPS.
Turn14: fix issue with PO requests sending incorrect shipping country post API update.
BigCommerce: Fix issue with fallback to product price not working when submitting empty bigcommerceprice.
BigCommerce: fix issue with brand selector not working in the product editor.
BigCommerce: fix issue with bigcommerceavailability not showing the correct default value in the product editor.
July 19th, 2024
Version: v3.308
eBay: no longer send CompleteSale.ShipmentTrackingDetails when sending shipcarrier with no shiptracking.
eBay: per feedback, migrated the multi item orders combined note to details.combinedOrderNumbers.
Amazon Reports UI: show last 10 completed buy box reports.
Walmart WFS: import orders as shipped and with available shipment information.
Automations: DX1 Inventory Update refactored to leverage latest 20240715 API updates.
Walmart: fix issue with swatchImages being sent incorrectly.
July 12th, 2024
Version: v3.307
Shopify/BigCommerce/Magento2: introduce order import shipping carrier and service mapping.
BigCommerce: orders import check 2 hours prior from last sync from from 30 mins.
Ordoro: introduce integrations for Catalog Export, Inventory Update and Orders Export and Shipment Import.
Amazon: fix issue with requests not respecting Send Only ASIN.
Magento2: fix issue with categories import not running.
Automation Engine: fix issue with linked_parameters not respecting set but empty values such as 0.
Automation Engine: fix issue with SFTP integrations not retrying when processing multiple files.
July 5th, 2024
Version: v3.306
eBay: multi item orders now include internalnotes of which single orders are combined.
Walmart: orders import now includes WFS and 3PL orders.
Shopify: imports now include meta field values.
Shopify and BigCommerce Settings UI: show message for which settings are being imported.
Automation Engine: match bulk result headers for actions end delete.
Channel Errors UI: improve page load and fix crashes via new pagination.
eBay: fix issue with auth expires url directing to legacy interface.
Amazon: fix issue with setting amzn.instance_sku erroneously on actions add relist when a previous instance is not skipped.
June 28th, 2024
Version: v3.305
Product editor UI: display of total_stock in summary section.
Fitment SureFit: YMM search results now default sort by product id descend.
Fitment SureFit: introduce apply-other-by-default to apply other filters by default.
BigCommerce: introduce field mapping support for minstock maxstock.
Motorstate: force ISO-8859-1 encoding for drop shipping payloads.
Fitment SureFit: fix issue with Other filter showing when it is the only option to filter by.
June 21st, 2024
Version: v3.304
Kits: logging introduced for enqueued kit update requests with potential deduplicated job_id.
Automation Engine: introduce configs for cached and cached_ttl to support reducing HTTP API requests across integrations using the same endpoint with shared data.
Shopify: Update API version 2023-10.
Amazon: introduce logs.field_data in preparing xml feed payloads.
eBay: migrate GetSuggestedCategories to getCategorySuggestions for category lookups.
Keystone: inventory update add support for temporary warehouse TexasDFWQty.
Turn14: All requests now include the header User-Agent: SureDone/3.0.
Turn14: introduce automated search limited to shipping.country US.
Turn14: introduce Catalog Import support for identifiers by turn14sku turn14id.
Automations Distributor Drop Shipping: with shipping service mapping enabled, support generic mapping for shipservice standard and shipservice expedited for the following: Turn14, Tucker, Motorstate, Meyer Distributing, Keystone, NTP, Parts Unlimited, Western Power Sports, GSP, Premier Performance, Parts Authority and Automatic Distributors.
Automations: update eBay auto renew and expire listings integrations to support integration instances.
Miva: introduce new integration for full product/listing, inventory, price, order and fulfillment management.
Shopify: introduce support for importing, managing and updating meta_fields via field mapping.
Shopify: introduce support for variant meta fields.
WebShopManager: update order import mapping for billing and shipping addresses.
WebShopManager: introduce integration for order ship tracking fulfillment.
Bulk Exports: fix issue with permissions not working as expected.
Automations UI: fix issues from introducing searching by shared integration id.
Shopify: fix issue with logging identifier as the channel sku instead of the guid.
June 7th, 2024
Version: v3.302
eBay: import logging improvements.
Turn14: catalog import now includes turn14brandid brandcode.
PartsUnlimited: drop shipping now includes channel data for eBay, Amazon and Walmart orders.
LightspeedPOS: introduce inventory and catalog export integrations.
Packing Slips: fix issue with search not applying advanced invoice features.
Amazon: fix legacy issue that calculated price including handlingfee.
May 31st, 2024
Version: v3.301
Walmart: improve logging of the syncStatuses operation.
Amazon Settings: expose send only asin feature.
Logs UI: introduce date search by time and ability to edit filters.
Fitment: logs normalized and accounting for request and skip flags.
Fitment SureFit: fix issue with facets not removing from products.
Walmart: fix issue with imports not completing.
Logs UI: fix auto-populating fields.
Logs UI: fix issue with leading and trailing spaces in field values.
May 24th, 2024
Version: v3.300
Magento2: send only updated fields on action edit.
Automations UI: enable search by unique id for shared integrations.
Fitment SureFit: my garage tag introduced.
Logs: ability to perform secondary on user accountId.
Shopify: fix issue with failing reset of shopifyprice.
Walmart: imports fix variation sku grouping by using variantgroupid.
Logs: fix issue with searching fields not returning results for data in the log.
Imports UI: fix issue with skipupdate fields not working.
May 17th, 2024
Version: v3.299
Fitment SureFit: introduce support for multi facetted query results.
Settings: product variation, stock and kit fields can now be re-ordered by dragging.
Shopify: introduce support for adding new variants to existing product listings.
Automations UI: enable search by unique id for shared integrations.
Automation Engine: introduce fitment_export_duplicates to restrict exporting duplicate product fitment entries if present, defaults to true.
Automation Engine: increase retries for SFTP integrations when processing many large files.
ShipStation: fix issue with orders not exporting that met generic Amazon MCF criteria with Amazon auto fulfillment enabled.
Automation Engine: fix issue with diff updates not working that rely on combined identifiers.
May 10th, 2024
Version: v3.298
Channels: introduce job infrastructure upgrades that reduce or removes backup of large catalog update processing.
Channels: fix issue with default channel.skip values not being respected on actions start, add. Affects Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento/2, Google, Facebook/Instagram, Etsy, Walmart and Amazon.
May 3rd, 2024
Version: v3.297
Automations: introduce eBay auto renew and expire listings integrations.
Logs: re-include large api transmission keys from channel requests.
Fitment: fitment table now exposed in window.sdFitmentData.
Fitment: rewrite values that are non-UTF8 encoded.
Automation EDI: 856 support shipservice via TD503.
eBay: fix issue with imports matching to non-variations.
Automation Engine: SFTP fix issue with failed updates due to processing many large files causing connection timeout.
Turn14: fix issue with Preferred Access failures with split shipments.
April 26th, 2024
Version: v3.296
Amazon: introduce Buy Box report.
eBay: imports now retry if listing id report is incomplete.
Walmart: add ship tracking mapping for USPS PARCEL to Standard shipping.
Walmart: improve logging for listings not synced.
Automation Engine: introduce config fitment_export_empty_fill object with fitment fields to corresponding fill values for when export field value is empty.
Fitment: remove products from YMM when sending in empty fitment data or updating fitmenttype from UNIVERSAL.
WebShopManager: fitment export empty TRIM with All.
Storefront: introduce template function sd_makeslug.
eBay: fix issue with failing bulk requests.
Walmart: fix issue with failed fulfillments missing intentToCancelOverride true.
Walmart: fix issue with product imports and listing reports failing and/or being delayed.
Walmart: fix issue with ship tracking not sending when shipments include shipsku that does not match the order item sku and there is only one shipment.
Bulk Fitment: fix issue with failed processing of files with over 1 million lines by splitting requests.
April 19th, 2024
Version: v3.295
Walmart: introduce setting for fulfillment_lag_time_exception to allow overrides for lag times greater than 0 and 1.
WebShopManager: deprecate Catalog Export API integration in favor of new Catalog SFTP integrations.
Horizon Hobby: upgrade catalog import with mapping for brand, manufacturerpartnumber, media.
Bulk Fitment: rewrite converted file to include error when there are no matches.
eBay: fix issue with error Cannot list with both product listing details and item compatibilities. by checking if fitment data exists on the product and forcing IncludeeBayProductDetails false.
Automation Engine: fix issue with email automations sending repeatedly when encountering an order missing an email.
Bulk Fitment: fix issue with uploads that include missing headers.
Bulk Fitment: fix issue with failures due to files with empty rows.
April 12th, 2024
Version: v3.294
LightspeedPOS: Inventory integration by Item Shop introduced.
Keystone: Cost import includes more optional fields for mapping.
Brock Supply: introduce order import CANCELED status.
Shopify: fix issue with updates requested not updating on Shopify when same as what is already in database.
eBay: fix issue with ebayitemspecifics payload not overwriting database and live listing Item Specifics.
April 5th, 2024
Version: v3.293
Core: enhance kit processing performance with deduplication.
Fitment: upgrade instructions with usage for new advanced tags.
Fitment Settings: display active custom facets.
DX1: introduce integrations for SKU and Inventory imports.
Keystone: drop shipping introduce default ship method, allows for empty value.
BigCommerce UI: fix issue with bigcommerceavailability having incorrect default value set in toggle.
March 29th, 2024
Version: v3.292
Etsy: Updated when_made 2020_2024 value.
eBay: import remove content field with legacy html table of converted fitment.
Automation Engine: email compress attachments greater than 10mb.
Automation Engine: introduce configs for trigger_escape_characters and trigger_escape_keys as respective arrays of characters to escape and keys the escaping may apply to.
Automation Engine: Introduce type: fitment support for action: export to export year, make and model fitment data.
Automation Engine: introduce support for fitment_export_type to support exports of both Auto Parts and Powersports fitment data exports.
Automation: introduce new automation for emailing product fitment data export as attachment based on a search.
Parts Authority: launched integrations for SKU, Inventory and Cost imports plus drop shipping.
Holley: launched integrations for SKU, Catalog Import and Inventory Update.
Turn14: Inventory Update now includes new Indianapolis warehouse code 03.
WebShopManager: introduce integration for fitment export.
Core: fix errors with image urls by trimming media1 - media10, mediax of additional whitespace.
Bulk Fitment: fix issue with upload warning for missing recommended headers when they are not valid account fields.
Bulk Fitment: fix issue with ignoring engine attributes when the engine field is present but empty.
March 22nd, 2024
Version: v3.291
Amazon MCF: set order internalnotes: Sent to Amazon FBA via MCF on success.
Search Builder UI: Improve listed fields and user experience.
Shopify: introduce price data validation.
Automation Engine: Introduce connection.ssl_http to allow for disable of verify peer, defaults true.
Automation Engine: EDI support for enterprise account user and automation id overrides.
Orders UI: fix issue with Amazon MCF not showing on newer accounts.
Reports: descriptions updated to clarify functionality for Inventory and Restock reports.
March 15th, 2024
Version: v3.290
Product list editor: introduce warning during close when work is unsaved.
Magento2: introduce support for direct import and export of options as magentotwocustomoptions.
Automation Engine: Introduce validate_headers false config to support generation of bulk files with all available integration fields.
WPS: increase the number of images in the catalog import integration.
March 8th, 2024
Version: v3.289
Amazon: upgrade Auto Multchannel Fulfillment MCF to support any active Amazon instance.
Amazon: introduce support for searches to limit orders processed by Auto MCF via the Amazon orders_auto_fulfillment_search_rule setting.
Walmart: introduce more logging of API request and response data.
Skuvault: fix issue with missing skuvaultlocationinventory updates.
WebShopManager: introduce new sku import integration that imports StockID as wsmsku that match to guid.
Storefront: introduce support for sd_checkstock() for dynamic checks of product inventory.
Automation Engine: improve vendor_action.search matching with zero date values.
March 1st, 2024
Version: v3.288
Walmart: only send fulfillmentLagTime if value is 0 or 1.
Walmart: import walmartproductid during periodic listing status syncing.
Automation Engine: remove restriction for which headers may be set in bulk fitment requests.
Fitment: introduce support for storing raw fitment formats and all extended data attributes. For example, store your ACES fitment data in text format for display in the SureFit module and for upcoming fitment management.
Orders UI: fix issue where orders settings controlled header navigation.
Product Editor UI: fix issues with cursor jumping and elements not being selectable.
Automation Engine: fix issue with fitment uploads skipping channel updates.
eBay: fix issue with tracking not being sent with options.orders_settings.sync_enabled false.
Amazon: fix issue with acknowledging orders with options.orders_settings.sync_enabled false.
February 23rd, 2024
Version: v3.287
Amazon: introduce more logging for MCF createFulfillmentOrder requests.
Amazon: fix issue with FBA MCF orders not importing shipments.
BigCommerce: fix issue with edge case errors with values in bigcommercevideos.
BigCommerce: fix issue with bigcommerceavailability return errors in the product editor.
Automation Engine: fix issue with jobs failing from error responses that are handled by the configuration.
Turn14: fix issue with Preferred Access drop shipping error The shipping_id provided was not valid.
February 16th, 2024
Version: v3.286
Walmart: import wpid as walmartproductid and use it to link to marketplace listing.
Shopify: fix issue with sending variation fields that are custom field mapped.
Shopify: fix issue with errors in sending mapped but empty country_code_of_origin.
Automation Engine: fix issue with paginating xml response with pagination set in the response body.
February 9th, 2024
Version: v3.285
Shopify: Upgrade API to version 2023-07 from 2023-04.
Magento2: fulfilled orders now trigger tracking emails via the notify attribute.
Walmart: fix issue with updates ignoring override title.
Fitment: fix issue with bulk files wiping fitment with action edit.
Product Editor UI: fix issue with scrolling when clicking into certain channel description fields.
February 2nd, 2024
Version: v3.284
eBay: Update Trading API to version 1331.
eBay: orders import order.details.paypal field removed per API deprecation - reference order.details.payments.0 for the same data.
Automation Engine: support export of orders.meta.raw.order fields.
Storefront: Authorize.Net process approved and held transactions.
Storefront: introduce checkout post sale variables order_email order_name.
BigCommerce: fix issue with detecting string as valid YoutTube URL for bigcommercevideos.
January 26th, 2024
Version: v3.283
Product Editor: bigcommerceavailability moved to dedicated toggle.
Fitment: introduce support for tag to automatically redirect home page link to YMM results when YMM is engaged.
Automation Engine: introduce connection.pagination.page_per_second to limit the number of paginated requests per second.
Bulk Orders: fix issue with errors processing itemdetails.
Product editor: fix issue with random missing eBay dynamic item specifics.
BigCommerce: fix issue with sold kit inventory updates when the kit is a variation parent.
Google: fix regression with auto renew expirationDate that removed channel specific data.
January 19th, 2024
Version: v3.282
Product Editor: replace photo editor with Filerobot Image Editor.
Usage Limits: email notifications go out to accounts that hit 70%, 90% and 100% thresholds.